
  • 目前, the field of blindness is experiencing a great shortage of teachers, 约5,000年全国.
  • 电视工作者的起薪很有竞争力. 这些工作都有很大的好处, 工作保障, and the opportunity to improve the lives of blind or children with visually impaired.


  • 在线程序: Benefit from the flexibility and convenience of an online degree program. On- campus residence is required for a total of only 3 days at the end of June, 提供酒店住宿! (待拨款批准)
  • 向顶尖教育家学习课程由活跃在视力障碍和失明领域的专家教授,他们完全致力于你的成功.
  • 个性化的注意: Smaller cohorts allow faculty to provide you with personalized attention and superior training.
  • 就业机会毕业生毕业前就业率达95%.

多明尼加大学TVI课程的毕业生已经做好充分准备,可以使用广泛的辅助技术来满足k -12学前教育环境中学生的学术需求, devices for braille literacy instruction and low vision magnification accommodations.







36-信用,M.S. 教育途径:

  • Available to all applicants who hold a state teaching certificate in the area of special education, 早期的童年, 童年, 中期或青少年教育.
  • 提供教育硕士学位,作为盲人和多种障碍学生的教师,并推荐纽约州认证.
  • Coursework prepares you to work with students with multiple impairments, 失明和聋盲.
  • 课程可以在不到24个月的时间内完成.
  •  ITI Tuition Remission is available for those who plan to teach in NY after coursework completion.
  • 最靠谱的娱乐平台十大平台, the TEACH Grant and Scholarships may be available to students.


  • 本课程是一个非入学途径,准备你参加国家考试,以获得国家教学认证为TVI.
  • Available to applicants who hold a state teaching certificate in any educational area.
  • Courses include Assistive Technology, Orientation and Mobility and Nemeth Code.
  • 课程可以在12-18个月内完成.
  • ITI Tuition Remission is available for those who plan to teach in NY after coursework completion.


伊薇特米. Blitzer米.年代艾德., is Coordinator of the Program, Teachers of Students Who Are Blind and Visually Impaired .

毕业于网投十大可靠娱乐平台和TVI项目. Blitzer joined the faculty after 15 years of service in the field of low vision and blindness.   She has held a variety of roles in the field of education including classroom teacher, 教育协调员, 也是课后活动的项目主管, curriculum designer and writer for visual and performance arts programs in Arizona and New York City.  夫人. Blitzer continues to remain active in service as well as in the area of research, as she aims to complete her doctoral studies in “Educational Leadership and Management” with Capella University.  此外, 她的时间和服务延伸到几个委员会,如盲人和视障人士教育和康复协会纽约州分会, 罗克兰县视障人士协会以及特殊儿童多样性委员会.




美国手语入门(A.S.L.) (3)
Students will demonstrate receptive and expressive mastery of targeted, 上下文特定命令, 问题, 声明和对话, 使用手动字母和手语准确英语. Stu-dents will develop cross-cultural skills and understanding of the deaf community. 提供混合/在线课程.

特殊教育研究 (3)
Presents an overview of research design as applicable to students with disabilities, 包括那些有多重和严重残疾的人. 检查计算机软件作为研究工具的使用. Students prepare either a paper based on an original research design, 或者是一篇针对特定目标人群的问题的分析/历史概述的论文,以及一篇基于该论文的可发表质量的期刊文章. 提供混合/在线课程.

SE 621 Adaptive Methods for Developing Motor Skills in Students with Health and/or Physical Disabilities (3)
满足有身体和/或健康障碍的学生的需要,以促进最佳的教育参与. 具备定位和搬运技能, 培养日常生活技能能力的方法, modification and adaptation of curriculum and instructional materials, and teaming efforts with related service providers are addressed. 需要现场经验. 提供混合/在线课程.

SE 623积极行为方法 (3)
行为原则和范例在课堂上的应用,包括积极行为支持, Applied Behavior Analysis and TEACH; intervention and scheduling; changing, 维护, 转移新的行为. 在环境背景下评估行为,并利用积极的做法来预防行为过度. 需要现场经验.

VI 532 Psychosocial Aspects and Evaluation of Blindness and Visual Impairment (3)
Changing nature of population; definitions; history of services; legislative history; attitudes towards the blind; adjustment to blindness; effects of blindness on cognitive, 物理, 儿童早期的心理和社会发展, 青春期, 过渡, and adulthood; formal and informal evaluation procedures.

VI 533 Assessment and Functional Implications of Visual Impairment (3)
Anatomy and development of the eye; nature and degrees of impairment; optical and non-optical devices for low vision; vision testing in clinical and educational settings; assessment of visual perceptual functioning; learning media assessment; functional vision assessment. 需要现场经验.

VI 534教师的培训和流动性 (3)
成功独立旅行所需的特殊技能. 需要强调的技能是概念开发, 方位和空间意识, 环境探索, 预防技术. 学生将参与各种运动的经验,使用封闭模拟完全和部分视力丧失.

VI 535文学盲文和教学策略 (3)
具备标准英语二级盲文读写能力, 同时使用盲文书写器、石板和手写笔. Preparation of assignments in both “hard” Braille and “simulated” Braille using computer programs. 盲文读写教学, with attention to the New York State Learning Standards for the English Language Arts. 需要现场经验.

VI 538内文和其他专用盲文代码 (2)
Continuation and reinforcement of literary Braille; instruction in 阅读 and writing of Nemeth code for scientific and mathematical notation; instruction in utilization of Cranmer abacus for math calculation. Braille formatting, foreign language codes, music Braille, and computer Braille code are introduced. Strategies for Braille 阅读 and writing instruction are further developed, with continuing attention to the New York State Learning Standards for English Language Arts. 需要现场经验.

VI 539 Assistive Technology for Students Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired (1)
Overview of assistive technology for persons who are blind or visually impaired–Braille, 放大打印, 演讲. 讲授和“动手”体验屏幕阅读器, 盲文笔记员, 盲文翻译程序, 还有屏幕放大镜. 科技公司代表, 美国盲人印刷厂, 当地经销商将解释和演示产品的使用,并协助指导选定的设备和程序. 7月提供为期一周的校内研修班.

VI 641 Methods for Academic Learners Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired (3)
视障及全盲儿童教材开发原则及教学策略. 所有K-12学科领域的抽样检查, 特别强调的是阅读准备, 阅读, 语言艺术, 以及视觉刺激. Instruction in developing tactile graphics; students will create tactile graphics to enhance lessons presented in class and/or online. 学生将研究确保所有学习者在所有确定领域达到纽约州学习标准的方法.

VI 642 Methods for Young and/or Multiply Impaired Learners Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired (3)
与年轻和/或年长的多重残疾学习者一起工作的评估和干预策略,他们是盲人或视障人士. 强调发展幼儿的补偿性技能, and functional skills in older blind and visually impaired children with multiple disabilities; perspective is teaming and collaboration. 将在课程规划中确定和处理纽约州严重残疾学生学习标准和替代绩效指标.

VI 717学生教学和高级研讨会 (3)
在学年期间教学的学生, if the student is employed working with learners who are visually impaired, 或者在夏天. 安排将在与教师协商后确定. The seminar refines topics such as working with the para-educator, 与家庭合作, 发展适当的I.E.P. 目标和目的, 进行功能性视力评估, 学习媒体评估, 过渡计划, 准备社区演讲.


Teachers of Students who are Blind or Visually Impaired (TVI) Course Schedule:

The program is based on a quarter term system beginning in the Fall.

VI 532       Psychosocial Aspects of Blindness and Visual Impairment (3)
VI 535文学盲文与教学策略(3)

(Literary Braille and Instructional Strategies continues through Quarter 2)

VI 533       Assessment and Functional Implications of Visual Impairment (3)
VI 538       Nemeth Code and Other Specialized Braille Codes (3)

VI 641        Methods for Academic Learners Who are Blind or VI (3)
VI 534教师的定位和流动性(3)
VI 539盲人辅助技术及VI (3)

SE 621发展有健康和/或身体残疾学生运动技能的适应性方法(3)
VI 717学生教学与高级研讨(3)

VI 642        Methods for Young and/or Multiply Impaired Learners Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired (3)
SE 623积极行为方法(3)

SE 537美国手语入门(3)
SE 616特殊教育研究(3)

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